Covenant Justice Coalition Cohort

Covenant Justice Coalition Cohorts

The Covenant Justice Coalition cohort triads are the congregational branch of the Thriving Prophetically portion of the Thriving grant. The cohort triads create an intentional way for churches to support and learn from each other as they pursue the work of Justice together. Each Triad will choose the Justice issue they feel works best in their own context. The ECC is working together to address larger social issues with the understanding that Pastors can thrive prophetically when working in partnerships.

What are the Justice Coalition Cohort Triads?

In Triads, churches will work together supporting each other as cohorts.  The Triads will also serve as a model for other potential cohorts throughout the Conference.  Each Triad will receive $2500, monthly group check-ins, peer support, and training and resources.  The ultimate goal is to see a large percentage of East Coast Conference churches involved in Triads, doing the work of Justice.

Who Can Apply?

CJC Triads are designed as opportunities for Covenant Churches that are working on biblical justice issues.  By working in Triads, church pastors and lay leaders will have the opportunity to collaborate on challenging issues while supporting and encouraging each other.  Each Triad must be led by a Pastor or Pastors, though the team can be made up of lay leaders.  CJC Triads are open to any Church within the Evangelical Covenant Church.  Churches that are not part of the Evangelical Covenant Church can apply if they are working with two other Covenant churches.

What is the Commitment?

The First Triad will run a year-long from January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019. Triads must participate in a February retreat and attend at least 2 Covenant Justice Conferences. With assistance from Rev. Clark and Dr. Clifton-Soderstrom Triads must complete a Logic Model. All Triads are asked to report and evaluate progress.


Churches must apply as a triad and each church must have a lead pastor designated to the triad.

A paper application is currently available.  An electronic one will be coming soon.

Email completed application to Dierdra at dgrayclark@mac.com

Thriving Grant Manager

DJ Crosby is the Grant Manager and can field any questions you have about programs related to the Thriving Grant.

Email her at thriving@northpark.edu

Rev. Dierdra Clark – Associate Pastor, New York Covenant Church

Dierdra is the convener of the Covenant Justice Coalition. After graduating from Mount Holyoke College, Dierdra moved to Washington D.C  where she intended to change the world through a political career — God had better plans. After many years, including working on Capitol Hill and completing a graduate degree at Columbia University in public policy, she landed back home in a church committed to social justice. She is so thankful that God brought her back home to a church that is committed to having a profound impact on marginalized communities. Dierdra went back to school and received her M.Div from Alliance Theological Seminary. Dierdra and Tim have 5 children from age from 29 to 10, keeping them busy and grateful! Email her at dgrayclark@mac.com


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