Christian Studies Certificate Requirements
This 8 credit hour (plus 1 field education credit) certificate is a basic orientation to Christian thought, spirituality, and practice at the masters level. It is intended to be an intro to seminary and is often used as a gauge, for students who are either uncertain about their call to seminary or have struggled with past academics, to see if one is ready for a full seminary degree program.
Total Semester Hours: 8
Required course (1 sh):
- MNST 6105 Academic Writing
One of the following (3 sh):
- BIBL 5240 New Testament 1: the Texts and Their World
- BIBL 5210 Old Testament 1: Pentateuch and Interpretation
- HSTY 5210 Christian History 1: The Early Church to the Early Reformation (1-16c)
- THEO 5110 Christian Theology
One of the following (3 sh):
- MNST Ministry Elective
OR - CEDF Christian Education and Formation Elective
A student may take any 3-credit-hour course in the ministry or Christian education field that does not have a pre-requisite.
One of the following (1 sh):
- SPFM 5201 Journey: The Story of Our Lives
- SPFM 5211 Intercultural Spirituality: Praying Together
Required Field Education Course (1 field ed. hour):
- FLDC 5300 Vocational Excellence
Detailed description of these courses can be found in our Academic Catalog (Full Seminary Catalog) on pages 63-77
Class Format
The courses are taught in a variety of formats including online, week-long intensives, and traditional on-campus, allowing for distance learning.